The members of the editorial committee of the Information and
Communication Technology
The manager of the editorial committee: József Sziray, SZE
- Andrea Bondavalli, Pisa
- Mario Dal Cin, Erlangen
- Alex Orailoglu, San Diego, University of California
- László Marton, SZE
- Gábor Borbély, SZE
- Miklós Szijártó, SZE
- Balázs Benyó, SZE
- András Pataricza, BME
- István Majzik, BME
- Ferenc Friedler, VE
- Péter Szolgay, VE
- György Csertán, VE
- Dezső Sima, BMF
- Miklós Telek, BME
- Katalin Tarnay, NOKIA
Technical Editorial Committee
Publishing is carried out by the Technical Editorial Committee.
Members of the Technical Editorial Committee:
- Miklós Berta, BME
- Gábor Horváth, SZE